How to Properly Maintain Your Screed Pump

How to Properly Maintain Your Screed Pump

How Healthy Is Your Machine?

You’ve swapped your fry up for a fancy granola and your coffee is replaced by some kind of sludge coloured smoothie. Don’t forget you’re also off to the gym later (well you may just sit in the sauna but you won’t tell the wife that). You’re feeling smug, you’re a health guru! It might last a month or a week at a push but you’re putting in the effort to look after yourself.

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Do you look after your machine in the same way? No, I don’t mean offering your screed pump a bowl of kale from time to time! Are you properly maintaining your machine to keep it in optimum health? Let’s take a look at what you can do to look after your screed pump and keep it in tip top condition.

Squeaky Clean

D140 imageYou bath/shower every day, so it’s only right to pamper your machine in the same way. Washing out your machine after use is key to keeping your floor screed pump working efficiently. It’s important to wash your machine thoroughly to avoid material drying and parts seizing up. Always follow your machines wash out procedure correctly to keep your machine in the best condition possible. Though every machine is slightly different, many elements will be similar. When it comes to our Euromair X-PRO D140 Liquid screed pump, these are the steps we would follow to ensure a proper clean:

  1. Empty the hopper of screed. Remove the drain ball to allow wash out of the remaining product with water and allow it to drain from the hopper. Replace the drain ball once the hopper is clean.
  2. Ensure the machine is NOT under pressure, then disconnect the product hose. Fill the hopper with clean water, feel free to add some washing up liquid to preserve the life of your rotor and stator.
  3. Put the machine into pumping mode to clean the rotor and stator.
  4. Place your sponge ball in the product outlet and reconnect the hose.
  5. Start your machine to run the ball through the hose. Once the ball has run through, stop the machine and repeat step 4 and 5 until the water is running out clean.
  6. Once the hopper and hoses are clear you can turn your attention to the body work of the machine. Remember to never use a hose directly on the control panel; simply use a damp sponge.

At Your Service

Servicing at CESWhilst cleaning out the machine is down to you; the next part may require some support from the specialists; specialists like CES. Just like heading to the gym to see a personal trainer and hone that physique, there are experts to hone and tone your machine. In simple terms, it’s time for a service. Servicing your screed pump at regular intervals really will keep it in optimum condition. CES offer a range of servicing packages but as a general rule of thumb would recommend the following:

  1. Book in your first oil change after your machine has clocked up 50 hours.
  2. After the first oil change book in your machine for a service every 150hours after that (e.g. 200hrs, 350hrs, 500hrs…you get the idea)


Servicing with a company that really know their stuff is important. However, it’s useful if you are able to carry out simple maintenance yourself. Visual checks prior to using your screed pump are also essential to keep everything in full working order. A visual inspection should be a quick look over the machine, particularly focusing on the wear-parts (flexible drive coupling, rotor and stator, cardan shaft, hopper seals) and the fuel levels (diesel, engine, coolant and hydraulic levels). A rotor and stator pressure check is vital as is daily lubrication of the grease points (see list below). CES would recommend using a grease gun to maintain the key grease points. A more in-depth list of visual checks (perhaps one to give to that apprentice) could be:

  1. Hydraulic oil level
  2. Engine oil level
  3. Hopper grease nipple
  4. Motor grease nipples
  5. Jockey wheel operation
  6. Product pressure gauge operation
  7. Pump outlet hose connections
  8. Hood clips lock down safely
  9. Emergency stop operation

Of course, all machines are slightly different but the above list would work for CES’s Euromair X-PRO D140 Liquid Screed Pump.

As Fit As A Fiddle

If you follow these steps and clean, service, inspect and maintain your machine, you will reap the rewards. Your flow screed pump will be as fit as a fiddle and you will find it improves efficiency and productivity. Don’t forget, as well as offering servicing packages, CES are always at the end of the phone and are happy to offer our specialist knowledge to help you maintain your machine. We also stock a wide range of spare parts, such as rotors and stators that are crucial in keeping that machine fit and healthy.

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