What Are The Advantages Of A Forced Action Mixer?

What Are The Advantages Of A Forced Action Mixer?

What are the advantages of a Forced Action Mixer?


A Forced Action paddle mixer has many advantages from the traditional cement/concrete mixer. Firstly, it is incredibly versatile in its ability to mix a wide range of materials. The pan mixer is compatible with sand and cement, plaster, render, lime mortar, masonry mortar, some adhesives, epoxy resin, resin bound gravel, screed, concrete and polymer-based minerals. This mixer eliminates the need for multiple pieces of kit as it can mix such a variety of materials and always achieves a consistent and even mix.Ask A Question


Forced action mixers are incredibly robust and powerful machines. These machines are built to last, unlike its predecessor, the cement mixer. Cement mixers have no gears therefore the shaft only drives the v-belt. However, with a forced action mixer, the motor is a lot more powerful to enable the constant and robust mixing of the shovels/blades. The power ensures the mixture is blended well with all the water fully absorbed and importantly no lumps. These pan mixers are ideal for earth-moist concrete (EMC) which can get very wet. In this case, the mixer absorbs the water properly to allow seamless application. When using a cement mixer for EMC, you will often find the mixture is too wet. Consequently, water will surface when screeding or plastering. Alternatively, the cement mixer causes compact lumps of material.



The design of the force action mixer means one of the main advantages is efficiency. The strong gear motor can cut mixing time in half with some products. It is much easier to estimate mixing times and therefore plan jobs more accurately. You will find the forced action mixer gives great well-blended results every time, in a little as three minutes. Much as you may enjoy that coffee break whilst waiting for the batch to mix; it’s straight back to work with these machines. There’s no longer that long wait, you can get on with application after 3-5 minutes of mixing. This machine really is extremely efficient.

Reliable And Portable

Finally, these machines are easy to transport and handle. Also, they are portable from site to site and will work inside and outside. This type of mixer is very reliable in both the safety aspects and maintenance elements. Emergency stop features in the design ensure that if the lid is lifted when mixing, the machine cuts out immediately. You will also find there is minimal maintenance required especially if the pan is cleaned regularly.

Want More Information About A Forced Action Mixer?

At CES, we stock a range of Baron mixers. We have a variety of capacities available so there is something to suit every job. Did you know we also hire forced action mixers? Take a look at our hire options here. Head to our complete guide to forced action mixers for all you need to know about these machines. For more information about Forced Action Mixers check out our other blog articles. You can also see one of our Baron mixers in action over on our YouTube page . 

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