Spray Rendering with Skill Builder

Spray Rendering with Skill Builder

Back in June, CES were delighted to be invited to join EWI Pro and Skill Builder on site to support them with their video production and render project which featured our very own Euromair DropPro 8P. If you're new to spray render or considering it, it's well worth taking a look at Skill Builders video over on YouTube.

Rendering Machines For Hire

Though we were behind the scenes, CES joined EWI Pro's Paul Harris and Skill Builder's Roger Bisby as they took on a silicone render project. Paul has been spraying render for at least a decade so bought a wealth of experience to support first-time render sprayer Roger. Though Roger had trowel applied silicone render, this was something entirely new. Fortunately using the Euromair DropPro 8P is ideal for someone fresh to the process as it incredibly easy to use.

8P infographic

The video is packed with tips, tricks and reminders to get the most from your spray machine. Including pointers such as:

  • Always mix your silicone render for at least 5 minutes with a power whisk/mixer
  • Cleaning is an absolute priority with your render machines to keep them running at optimum level. One tip to make life easier, is to line the machine hopper with a polythene or plastic sheet
  • Never scrape out your material tub as this is where a crust may have formed especially if left in the sun. This crust with then most likely block your spray gun
  • Always watch the pressure gauge as this will indicate if you have a blockage. The pressure will usually operate around 2bar
  • When operating the spray gun, turn the material shut off valve fully on/fully off
  • Always begin and end spraying into a bucket, this avoids splat marks on your walls and ensures an even texture
  • ALWAYS wear safety glasses as there will inevitably be some stones that will blow back as you apply
  • Spray about 300mm from the wall in circular motions overlapping (Paul's tip: spray in the style of Olympic rings)
  • Finally always spray past any reveals/beads to avoid a heavy build up on these edges.

    YouTube Thumbnail DropPro 8P with EWI and SkillBuilder

Check out the YouTube video to see how Paul and Roger got on and the house transformation they achieved with the Euromair DopPro 8P. For further information on hiring this electric machine head to our website. 

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