Spindles Making Your Head Spin? Painting Spindles: The never-ending Staircase Ever gone through the pain-staking task of painting all the balustrades...
CES Hire Blog
‘We’re Standing Far Apart Now So We Can Embrace Each Other Later’ Something to keep in the back of your mind while we tackle this pandemic together....
We’re Engaged! ‘We’re engaged!’; two words accompanied by a groan and eye roll whilst your wife lets out a shriek and the ‘girls’ whatsapp chat goes...
Giving, Without All The ‘Stuff’ In a world of ‘stuff’ bursting out of every cupboard and drawer, what can we give this Christmas? You’ll know from...
I’m Dreaming Of A Green Christmas Every year the press gives us those all-important odds of a white Christmas but this year at CES we’re hoping for a...
Baby It’s Cold Outside We moan when it’s too hot and we moan when it’s to cold. Part of being British right?! We love a good weather discussion....
Inspired By Sir David Did you know CES boss Nick Rogers fancies himself as a bit of a David Attenborough? Well, you might not find him hanging out...
But It’s Not Fair! “It’s not fair!” How many times have we heard our children or grandchildren utter those words? It’s not fair that they have to go...
Are You Deluded? The word competence is littered throughout legislation and health and safety documentation as it is such an important component in...
WTF: Watch The Foul-mouth Yes, I’m talking to you, Ramsay! The Great Gordon Ramsay is certainly an excellent example to highlight this week’s Toolbox...
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