Category Archives: Rendering (4)


Render Finishes: Roughcast Finish

Render Finishes: Roughcast Finish

When considering rendering your home, it is important to be sympathetic to the period of the home. Whilst a stark and crisp scraped render is very...


What is Monocouche Render?

What is Monocouche Render?

Unless you’re in the industry the word Monocouche may appear very foreign, and you’d be right. Monocouche is of French origin and quite literally...


Top Tips for Finishing your Render

Top Tips for Finishing your Render

Perfectly finished render is a thing of beauty right? With rendered homes having a real boom in popularity right now take a look around and you’ll...


What is more Cost Effective: Buying or Renting A Rendering Machine?

What is more Cost Effective: Buying or Renting A Rendering Machine?

Simply the best You've got a big contract coming up. Your company is expanding. Your rendering machine is on its last legs and needs replacing. But...


Tools You Require to Render a Wall: The Ultimate Checklist

Tools You Require to Render a Wall: The Ultimate Checklist

The Rendering Basics Rendering is quite different to internal plastering, though some of the tools you use will overlap. Rendering not only makes a...


Machine Applying (Spraying) K Rend Renders

Machine Applying (Spraying) K Rend Renders

On Friday 31st March 2017 CES welcomed Gareth, Jason and Iain from K Rend to our head office in High Wycombe to see a range of our Euromair...


Blog: Applying Render (Rendering) In The Winter Months

Blog: Applying Render (Rendering) In The Winter Months

As we move into the winter months and temperatures drop it’s not only builders and plasterers who don’t like the cold, the materials they are using...

Plastering, Rendering, Paint Spray Machines

Blog: Using Protection For Spraying Render And Plaster!

Blog: Using Protection For Spraying Render And Plaster!

Using protection is vital when spraying render or plaster. If masking up (applying protection) when spraying plaster or render is done well then it...


Blog: External Wall Insulation (EWI) Render Systems

Blog: External Wall Insulation (EWI) Render Systems

External Wall Insulation (EWI) systems are a growing trend in the UK. EWI Render Systems are becoming more popular due to the wide range of...


Blog: Why Use A Spray Rendering Machine?

Blog: Why Use A Spray Rendering Machine?

Spraying Render is a growing trend in the UK. For over 30 years now we have been supplying rendering machines to a range of plasterers, renderers and...